Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I died just a little inside...

First I want to apologize to Adora, who was kind enough to respond to my 01/02/08 post, regarding Peeves. I want to apologize because I must not have been very clear. I am a fan of "sticker stacking" as it were... I myself have been known to sticker stack on occasion, and it is not a sign of stupidity, simply a sign of laziness, which I fully support. Just to clarify, I did found a perfect example of the type of licence plate that does drive me nuts.
(see pictured picture)
I don't even know where to start. It pains me to think that this person qualifies for a drivers licence. There are even sticky marks where the stickers of old have since faded away! Do they make historic plates to be placed on really old licence plates? Who thinks its a good idea to actually cover up the numbers of your licence plate with the little stickers other then bank robbers hooligans? I will tell you... Someone who I just cannot be friends with, that's who. I am sorry shopper of Tempe Toyota. Its just not going to work out between us. This brief love affair we have shared as my wife snapped photos of your licence plate while driving down the road has come to an end.


Unknown said...

Oh, and just so you know, your brother's blog is so much better!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sweet Lou, that was really harsh. People are human and make mistakes. And way to feed Mike's insecurities by pointing out that you like Tony's blog better. No need to be a Hater!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Lou- Big talk for someone who only writes on other peoples blogs!

mikethemiddlechild said...

Thanks for the comments Lou. Hurtful? Yes. My grammar, spelling, and pretty much everything else sucks. If fact, I am so broken up by it, I think I am going to start a blog all about what a looser I am. Ohh... wait...

Unknown said...

Haha. Mick, I love you so much. We should go fishing this weekend. We should also drink beer while we catch nothing so the day won't be a total waste. My treat!

mikethemiddlechild said...

Lou! I love fishing and beer! And I hate it when I catch things! Its a date...