Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why I support the Swine Flu...

Maybe if wasn't called Swine Flu! Anyone think of that? What if it was called something cute like "the itchy sneezies" or "baconitus." At any rate, I decided to try to put a happy face on the swine flu so when it does come to Arizona, people wont be so worried about it. Knowing that my own artistic talents leave something to be desired, I have decided to turn to my brother.
But, with any good logo, comes the responsibility of an even better slogan. Something like, "Swine Flu, Not just for Mexico!" or "Swine Flu, when pigs cry..."

Any Ideas?!

Stay tuned for sweet Swine Flu Logos.


Mjmoon said...

Aww, it does sound adorable.
When I first heard of this flu, I said to myself "Ha! this won't reach NY anytime soon." Next day I saw the news "blah blah blah ... In Queens, New York ... blah blah" I was quite surprised it took less than 24 hours to prove me wrong. Even so I also have put on a happy face, because ... well not sure, I guess I'm just not that concerned.

Justin Ingolia said...

How about this for a swine flu slogan "Swine Flu....don't worry it hasn't effected pork rinds"